L.E.D Par cans vs Incandescent Par Cans

L.E.D Par cans
Energy efficient, no need for 3 phase power.
Low heat, LEDs generate no heat from the front, very little heat is generated at the back of the fixture.
Long life, no need to replace lamps.
No need for Gel, one fixture can do a variety of colours.
Programmable via DMX or on-board pre-sets that usually includes a sound to light function.
Does not have the brightness or throw distance of an incandescent Par cans.
Incandescent Par Cans
High brightness and throw distance.
Easy lamp replacement.
Not very inefficient (Lumens per watt), needs 3 phase power for high multiples.
Very hot, both to the touch and heat output.
Short life (lamp) compared to L.E.D’s.
The need for Gel to colour the light, need multiple fixtures for multiple colours.
Requires programmable dimmer packs for control (dimmers can cause interference with audio visual equipment).