Case Studies
Cambridge Weigh Plan Conference

This two day conference was held in the Ballroom of the Table Bay Hotel. This is what we provided:
Africa Trade & Export Finance

This annual conference took place in the Ballroom of the Westin hotel. The Ballroom was divided to create two meeting rooms which ran simultaneously and the full Ballroom was used for the plenary sessions.
Ballroom West
PWC Budget Function

The event was held in the Table Bay hotel Ballroom. Corporate Event Staging provided the audio visual equipment and support service. The equipment list comprised of the following:
Old Mutual Corporate Consultants

The event was held in the Ballroom of the Table Bay hotel. The audio visual requirements included:
Casual Day Awards Breakfast

The function honoured the volunteers and participants who assist in raising donations for the disability sector. We provided the equipment which included a projection screen, projector, stage with wheel chair access, P.A system, cordless microphones, technical surround and on site technician.