Case Studies

The National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa held this meeting at the Radisson Blue in the V&A Waterfront. The following equipment was supplied by us:
Risky Business

The two day congress took place in the Nedbank auditorium in the V&A Waterfront. Here is the equipment list:
Anti Racism Campaign

This event took place in Cape Town’s City Hall. Here is the equipment list that Corporate Event Staging provided:
PWC V2Reality

The event was held at the Lookout in the V&A Waterfront. We supplied the following list of audio visual equipment:
Elizabeth Arden Demonstration

The venue for this event was the Table Bay Hotel Ballroom. The makeup demonstration was relayed to two LCD screens. The make up artist used a headset microphone to engage with the audience. Corporate Event Staging supplied the screens, camera, camera operator, sound system and technician.